
Config = {}

Config.Debug = false-- Enable debug mode prints ect

Config.Notify = 'ox' -- Options, 'ox' = Ox Lib Notify, 'qb' = QBCore notify, 'okok' = OKOK Notify, 'custom' = custom notify, can be set in cl_customize.lua

Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- your core's prefix

Config.AllowCommand = true -- if set to true you can acces the menu via t/multijob or what you set it below 
Config.Command = 'invoices' -- command to open menu if AllowCommand is true

Config.Distance = 15.0 -- Distance to check for nearby players for sending bills, 1 = 1 meter

Config.OpenKey = 166 -- Key to open menu (defualt is M), you can find more here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/

Config.BusinessJobs = { -- Jobs with acces to send business bill

Config.EveryoneBill = true -- When true, every single player can send bills, when false only businesses can send bills

Config.AutoImportSQL = true -- Auto import the table into the database if not already present

Config.AskPayType = true -- If true, before paying a bill, a screen will appear asking if you want to pay via cash or bank

Config.BillMoneyType = 'bank' -- Where the money is taken from if there is no payment method chosen in the ask pay screen, you can find more in ./server/sv_customize.lua

Config.QBManagement = false -- If set to true it will use the qb-management resource

Config.UseQBBanking = true -- Useful for latest QBCore versions

Config.AuthorPercentage = 10 -- Percentage that the invoice author receives if business bill

Config.UseAnim = true -- Tablet animation when open the menu

Config.AcePermissionName = 'infin_billing.access' -- ACE Permission name to check the bill managment menu

-- add_ace group.admin infin_billing.access allow
-- add_ace group.moderator infin_billing.access allow
-- add_ace group.god infin_billing.access allow

Config.UseAutoPay = true -- Wil auto pay bill on due date if set up.

Config.CheckForUnpaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- minutes

-- Discord Logs

Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name

Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name

Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link

-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that - https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html

Config.WebhookColor = '15938207'

Config.ReportWebhookURL = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"

Config.LogWebhookURL = "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"

Last updated