Config = {}
Config.debug = false
Config.DisabledJobs = { -- Jobs wich speed cameras will not detect
Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- Your core prefix
Config.PoliceJob = 'police' -- Job name for police
Config.AllowCommand = true
Config.MenuCommand = 'speedcamera'
Config.speedUnit = "km/h" --km/h, or mp/h
Config.billing = 'standalone' -- 'gks' = gks phone billing, 'okok' = OKOK Billing, 'standalone' = defualt qbcore remove cash, 'custom' = add your custom billing in sv_customize.lua
Config.AlwaysBill = true -- if set to true the player driving the vehicle will be, no matter if they own the car or not
Config.SendMail = true -- send email when get caught speeding
Config.Phone = 'qb' -- 'qb' = QBCore phone, 'gks' = GKS Phone,'custom' = add your own in cl_customize.lua line 59
Config.Notify = 'qb' -- Options, 'ox' = Ox Lib Notify, 'qb' = QBCore notify, 'okok' = OKOK Notify, 'custom' = custom notify, can be set in cl_customize.lua
Config.PoliceAlert = 'qb' -- Options, 'cd' = CD Dispatch, 'qb' = QBCore defualt, 'ps' = PS Dispatch, 'custom' = custom dispatch, can be set in cl_customize.lua line 128
Config.ProgressBar = 'qb' -- 'qb' = QBCore defualt, 'ox' = Ox Lib Progress bar
Config.AlertChance = math.random(80, 100)
Config.AllowCommand = true -- if set to true you can acces the menu via t/multijob or what you set it below
Config.Command = 'speedcamera' -- command to open menu if AllowCommand is true
Config.RemoveCamIfNotInConfig = true -- if set to true we will remove a camera id from the database (removing it from the speed cam list) if not in Config.SpeedCameras
Config.PlaceCameraTempEnabled = true -- If the Temp Camera item/command is enabled
Config.PlaceCameraCommand = true -- If the place temp camera command is enabled
Config.PlaceCameraItem = true -- If the place temp camera item is enabled
Config.PlaceCameraItemName = 'placetempcamera' -- Item name for the temp camera
Config.PlaceCameraPoliceOnly = false -- If only police can use the command and item for Temporary Speed Camera
Config.TempCameraCommand = 'placecamera' -- Place a temporary speed camera command
Config.PoliceSociety = true -- Adds all the money from fines to the police society, this will only work if your using qb-managment
Config.Logs = true -- If set to true logs will be sent through discord webhook
Config.Webhook = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1264516471233712253/86uM0oQwQ2AD4cDH6MmFjxfdEBWnzRE3vsZcaxcM9eC0RIeIBdjBkZDD_0uVHN7q2mVj' -- Discord webhook for logs if Config.Logs is set to true
Config.Blip = { -- Blip settings
['sprite'] = 184, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
['color'] = 4, -- https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Blip::color
['scale'] = 0.5,
['label'] = 'Speed Camera',
Config.OnlyShowBlipOnMinimap = false -- If set to true the blip will only show on the minimap when near
-- Configuration for speed cameras with coordinates and other properties
Config.SpeedCameras = {
['Popular_ST'] = { -- Camera ID
['coords'] = vector4(33.18, -148.79, 58.79, 73.91), -- Coords where speed camera is
['speed'] = '70', -- Top speed
['fineAmount'] = 600, -- Fine amount when caught speeding
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(7.74, -154.8, 55.19, 340.36) -- Coords where speed camera is deactivated
['Palomino_FWY'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(1583.39, 1007.51, 81.43, 339.98),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(1596.83, 994.97, 77.80, 29.32)
['Palomino_FWY2'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(2183.56, 2730.0, 51.5, 126.72),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(2158.01, 2744.64, 46.21, 207.98)
['Palomino_FWY_Sandy'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(2847.39, 4247.18, 53.67, 22.81),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(2816.88, 4242.77, 49.22, 252.07)
['Great_Ocean_FWY'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-106.36, 6271.64, 32.49, 314.17),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-116.36, 6276.1, 30.25, 218.97)
['Military_Base'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-2702.59, 2341.77, 22.63, 355.35),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-2718.22, 2344.49, 16.04, 278.62)
['Great_Ocean_FWY2'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-3089.04, 778.14, 23.99, 37.76),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-3069.13, 782.45, 20.36, 114.37)
['Great_Ocean_FWY3'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-2171.08, -349.29, 17.83, 79.79),
['speed'] = '120',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-2186.68, -323.49, 12.08, 199.09)
['Popular_ST2'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-1387.11, -391.51, 42.3, 302.78),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-1413.82, -392.85, 35.17, 201.5)
['Atla_ST'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-61.21, -545.92, 41.9, 159.13),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-40.3, -526.57, 39.4, 59.17)
['Power_ST'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(248.66, -622.62, 43.76, 339.03),
['speed'] = '70',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(263.49, -627.58, 40.42, 62.81)
['Vespucci_BLVD'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(375.48, -1051.27, 32.49, 271.64),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(375.97, -1069.91, 28.45, 356.91)
['Macdonald_ST'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(152.79, -1581.79, 34.79, 225.57),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(166.86, -1577.04, 28.00, 157.03)
['Dutch_London_ST'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(447.03, -2100.69, 27.54, 317.33),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(439.01, -2089.24, 20.34, 224.97)
['Innocence_BLVD'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(1003.32, -1436.63, 37.05, 86.91),
['speed'] = '60',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(986.76, -1423.05, 30.76, 168.99)
['Vespucci'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-1063.06, -1020.3, 5.36, 209.82),
['speed'] = '40',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-1071.24, -1026.82, 0.91, 265.06)
['Tongva_Drive'] = {
['coords'] = vector4(-1656.0, 978.6, 158.09, 158.81),
['speed'] = '70',
['fineAmount'] = 500,
['deactivatecoords'] = vector4(-1638.78, 977.28, 151.96, 6.84)
-- Add more as needed
Config.TempSpeedCameras = {
Last updated